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Merel Dassen

Product Design
The CLOCKOUT Project
Merel Dassen

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our daily life without our mobile phone. Many experience a love/hate relationship with their phones. Where it is an indispensable and practical device, we also spend a lot of time on it unnoticed. Hardly anyone can function properly within the social system without a phone. We are always "on". The boundaries between leisure and work are blurring.

"The CLOCK OUT Project" is a manifestation of my research into stimulating and activating people to regain control over their use of mobile phones. My main source of inspiration is "Shibari", a Japanese bondage technique. This is about setting boundaries and creating a sense of freedom. It is a game between letting go of control and at the same time actively taking back control by knotting in an aesthetic way. It is a way to temporarily distance yourself from everyday life. Analogous to this, it is possible to "clock out" from your phone by performing an action. This idea forms the basis of my collection.

The collection consists of four products and a supporting photo/film series. The products are ritual tools that stimulate "clocking out". Each product stimulates a new way of interacting with our phone. The photo/film series show the products in their context of use. This involves synergy between user, material and inspiring image.

As a designer I am intrigued by human behavior and how objects and images impact our way of living. With my work I want to start a discussion and offer alternatives to deal with our most challenging technological relationship. My ambition is to develop my work further in collaboration with others to expand my ideas and have a bigger impact. I would also like to expand my experience and knowledge by working or doing an internship at a collective design team that focusses on social themes.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 2 november 2020

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