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Myrthe Rosema

Product Design
Alter Aging
Myrthe Rosema

Having a positive attitude towards growing old extents live expectancy with 7,5 years. There is a large generation of elderly nearing, so it’s time to change the way we are getting older! Alter-Aging consist of 4 proposals. I want to stir up the conversation and put aging in a different perspective.

A-Just a Chair

By using an existing seat and chair frame to make a walker or wheelchair, I am not only changing the look of the products, but also the context in which they are sold. In this way, these products can obtain a different acceptance and identity.

The mobility-scooter is used to get out of the house, to earn money and socialize within a meal delivery service. Will it be necessary for our generation to continue working after retirement?

Instead of talking to older people about what they can no longer do, this platform calls on their knowledge and qualities. It is an helpline by the elderly instead of for the elderly.

Crypto Care

The cryptocurrency Care Coin functions as an alternative pension scheme. Nursing homes and server rooms are combined to finance long term medical care and heat the building.

I am a social designer and idealist and I like to provide a critical, but often optimistic view with my work. I would like to find partners and collaborations to further develop my project and myself as a designer and do a master social design in the future.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 2 november 2020

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