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Bas Bults

Product Design
Bas Bults
Bas Bults

As a designer, I feel inspired to create change. I believe many environmental, political and other world problems are partly a problem of design. In my graduation work I am triggered by one of the biggest challenges our world is facing today, humanities silent killer, called ‘’stress’’. It influences our creativity, decision-making, productivity, performance and most important our overal mental and physical well-being.

Now, more than ever our boundaries of work-life, online-offline time, public and private are fading. We’re always connected and always on, 24/7. We forget how to truly recharge our mental and physical battery and this is unconsciously impacting our global health and planet. Research shows that 69% of stress is work-related manifesting in a massive increase of health care costs, productivity loss, absenteeism etc. Work-related stress is costing Europe an estimate of €617 billion annually and it’s growing every year.

With my anti-stress furniture collection ‘ease’, - a research based experience of function and print - , I want to step forward, redesigning the office landscape to make it more stress-resilient. I’ve developed six furniture pieces, big and small, that all deal with work-related stress in a different yet unique way. With influences from Yoga, Zen Buddhism, classic philosophy and its views on the natural world ’ease’ allows people to become part of their work environment in new holistic ways. Allowing the body to move, relax and stimulate it in different ways we become ever more calm, peaceful and healthy.

Inspired by nature, the prints and colours are hand painted and carefully selected to have a positive neurological and psychological impact on the brain, organs and the body as a whole. Stress is affecting the individual, organisations and society and it’s a problem we can only solve together.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 2 november 2020

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