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An-Yue Deng

MIA Deng, Anyue
Anyue Deng

Improvising Space towards Openness-New Form of Small Housing Inspired by Jazz Improvisation

About an architectural students inspired a lot by Jazz and try to develop a different way of thinking towards the urgent global issue of the housing shortage. To find the new form of interior which could absorb the experience of life, contain the past, and hold the potential of the future.

Music is information, the wave of sound, spread through the air, and get into human being’s ear. Then process in a human’s brain to let us know this is music. And Jazz Improvisation in my mind is a very dynamic music form, with flexibility, sometimes tense, sometimes relaxed, it’s an auditory art full of freedom but cooperative. Meanwhile, space spread its information from eyes to human’s whole body, and it contains information in a much more different layer compare to music. The lighting, the atmosphere, the temperature, include potential to convey various information.

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This research aims to find methods to spatialize music elements, to learn from the form of Jazz music and try to figure out what way musicians using in Jazz can contribute to architecture design. Furthermore, to study improvising space could evolve a more vital design approach which provides a closer and more interdisciplinary communication method for architects, or between the architects and users.

Thus, apply the metaphysical outcome into a more practical scenario of small housing. Start from my personal dwelling experience, the situations to explain the reason why the concept of Small Housing should introduce to this research and how it referenced the Japanese tatami style layout to clarify its definition. With the primary method which was taken mainly based on experience and sentimental choice, this not is a very rational design process. The results in the format of nearly the stream of conscious can also present some characteristic of improvisation.

Consequently, developed a space based on an organic landform interior with the combination of sharpness, without a visible indication of function but with some adjustable division units. I wish this new form could provide a different way of thinking towards the urgent global issue of the housing shortage. To find the new form of interior architecture which could absorb the experience of life, contain the past, and hold the potential of the future.

MIA Deng, Anyue, 2


With the primary method which was taken mainly based on experience and sentimental choice, this not is a very rational design process. The results in the format of nearly the stream of conscious can also present some characteristic of improvisation. Explore the intersection of two realms, and try to convert it to some knowledge. It would be probably the last non-commercial design project as an architectural student, so this project is all about having fun and spread joy. Then it will be the time to put this happiness in the later more practical project as a worker in this field. Graduate during the pandemic, it feels weird but kinda exciting, most of the time positive and faithful about the graduation, but to be honest do feel a bit confused, basically just like walking in the thick fog. But I still believe this is the best arrangement of life, peace.


Explore the joy of gain knowledge and create an opportunity to communicate my idea with the world.


Become a more relevant architectural related worker and hope to contribute to the connection between Asian and European design 

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