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Xinyi Kang

Xinyi Kang
Xinyi Kang


There are too many things filling our minds every day. No time for thinking about our own. We all want a piece of peace. No time to relax, no time to reflect, no time to think about our spirits.

Please come in, please come in.
The world is twisting
Escape from the world that you are experiencing

Please Calm-in, please Calm-in.
Here is a piece of peace.
It belongs to you, from the moment that you enter.

Please Calm-in, please relax in.
Healing the heart, calming the mind.
Forget the chores and troubles.
Focus on this moment, focus on the present, and focus on your soul.


As the most indivisible part, architecture affects every aspect of our lives, not only affecting the working and living, but also affecting our emotional and psychological health. It determines the way how people work and think. It also affects people’s emotions through different architectural factors such as lighting, color, and materials.

The world is too crowded. People are suffering stress from a high workload and fighting for a living. They need a place to breathe; they need peace. The Getaway is a specific room that is built for the ASD group which is different from the one with entertainment use. When a person ASD experiences sensory overloading and feels uncomfortable with the surroundings, they can hide in their Getaway and release the pressure. 

However, all groups of people need an Getaway to find their peace. The project discovered what factors are important in building a calming space. I want to build a place for people who are stressed, who have no friends and family and fight alone in the city, who are looking for a place to find their soul... I want to build a place for everybody, a calming space, a place that can heal peoples spirits.

That’s what architects can do - build an escape space for everyone. That’s what I want to do - use the power of design and architecture to build up people's spirit world.


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 27 juni 2022

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