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María Pérez - Lozao Humanes

Design Art Technology
María Perez Lozao Humanes, A Most Enchanting Machine, photographer Eva van Boxtel
María Perez Lozao Humanes, A Most Enchanting Machine, photographer Eva van Boxtel

A Most Enchanting Machine

This work is a play that starts at day, and ends at night. Throughout the cycle, each device tells a story, all together they form a performative landscape that explores a ghostly electromagnetic world. We welcomed electrical gadgets in our houses and committed to share our lives with them. When electricity arrives in the house and these machines become alive we start perceiving our world through them. During the day, we use these machines to dream about information, traveling through our homes at the speed of light; but what do we dream of at night? What is the role of these machines in our unconscious imagination? I want to frame and explore the fantasies and nightmares that live with us in our home through these electrical artifacts. With this play I want you to observe the magic of electricity and its devices.

María Perez Lozao Humanes, A Most Enchanting Machine, photographer Eva van Boxtel
María Perez Lozao Humanes, A Most Enchanting Machine, photographer Eva van Boxtel
María Perez Lozao Humanes, A Most Enchanting Machine, photographer Eva van Boxtel




Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 11 juli 2022

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