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Max van Loon. de mentor
De Mentor – The Mentor


Max van Loon creates archetypical characters, through costume design and performance. Their archetypical and performative way of creating is strongly linked to medieval theatre and puppet shows. They use aspects from these kinds of formats to explore the tension between entertainment and art. Max forces entertainment to play a role in their art practice by using theatrical elements in an art space, they use this to question how art is consumed, and critique the artworld in a seemingly playful manner.

De Held – The Hero

‘De Vertellers’ (the storytellers) is a performative installation, in which different characters tell their stories through performing repetitive actions, and therefor almost becoming living statues. These stories don’t have a clear beginning, end or moral in them. Rather they are told to raise questions about the world these characters live in, and lead the audience to question their role in this world. Within the installation ‘The Audience’ (Het Publiek) is also seen as an archetypical character, performing their own role. They are invited in by the characters to perform a repetitive action by watching and consuming the stories that resemble a world that reminds them of ours.

De Huisvrouw - The Housewife
De Koning – The King
De Nar – The Joker


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 27 mei 2022

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