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martine 1
Ceramic vessels floating on the river after participants of a deep listening workshop wrote their experiences in the clay.



"If you stop listening to me for a moment, you can tune into the many voices of the river and their web of conversations."

Water filters containing the traces of microplastics, mud and conversations.

Listening is a radical, embodied and collective practice.

Listening is making kin with bodies of water by means of my own body of water.

Listening is slow and attentive.

Listening is knowing what to listen to as much as learning how to listen.

Listening to the Rhine river means listening to a multiplicity of bodies of water with constantly changing compositions.

A letter to her.

Situated at the Rhine river* in Arnhem, this research flows between a cartography and a polyphony. Meandering through the field of knowledge production, I facilitate listening experiences that are composed by conversations, workshops and other forms of field work in which storytelling becomes a reciprocal gesture. These practices are collaborative as listening requires more than one participant and invite other human participants into the entangled relations of the river.


Trace or Oracle?

*What is the river and how can we make sense of her continuously flowing, dripping, streaming and becoming ways? How do we grow aware of our relations? How can we think-feel with her, be with her?

Reading the river through cyanotypes with Jesse Gunsing and Nina Wijkel


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 27 mei 2022

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