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Lotte Manders 5
Filmstill from graduation film, 2022

Lotte Manders is an animator, filmmaker and sculptor. In her work she invites the audience to explore being something else. In this she focusses mostly on visions and perspectives. By researching this, she questions our different ways of knowing. She finds it important to be critical of prejudice when it comes to our knowledge of the non-human. How can we truly know what it is like to be other than the self? This question is the basis of her practice as an artist.

Filmstill from graduation film, 2022


In her graduation work she tries to be in a state of transformation as a strategy to get closer to experiencing what it is like to be a snail. By doing this she embraces the fact that she will not become a snail, but might lose a bit of her humanness. The snail to her is a role model because of a few reasons: the snail is genderless and moves flexibly, the snail shell has the shape of a spiral which is an ever growing and evolving form and lastly the snail has an external shell instead of an internal skeleton (like humans have). This internal skeleton carries histories which are engraved in our human bodies. Lotte tries to find ways to be more flexible with this internal history by getting closer to the snail and by this challenging her body and associations with this body.

Picture from snail-performance, 2022
Film installation 'Memory Landscape', 2020
Sculpture as part of a VR-installation 'In het slakkenhuis', 2021

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