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Domenik Portrait
Domenik Portrait
“Yes sorry i was so bizzy i will do it tomorrow !” – Johan, Marktplaats, 270422

Microcosm Nicole Beutler / NB Projects - residencies with ashley ho @ Dansateliers Rotterdam - CAMPO Gent - workspacebrussels

The magic of coming together

this is who i am as a performer and artist. (a list from up to down, left first, then right)

a shapeshifter, hoarder, documenter. a knot, patchwork, forger. sponge, a desirer & dreamer. a piece of music. bob the builder. the wrong note. an eel, a noodle, asparagus.

under construction. stitching and weaving, solid enough. a river, permeable. queer af, open windows, a feminist creator, encryption. a'G;Lllllllllllllllliiiitc****#h waiting. system overload. fail beautifully. unstill, caring, &          

what inspires me is a combination of elements that don't seem to fit. my friends. art (TheThingThatIFoundOnTheStreetTheOtherDay). a, l, c, t < 3 . Sufjan Stevens. my grandparents' letters. Khadija El Kharraz Alami. Glitch Feminism (by Legacy Russell). the way anyone dances when they don't think about dancing. Yoann Bourgeois. non-violent work environments. The Magic of Coming Together (that's what ashley and i call the moment when suddenly everything makes sense). transferring analogue documents into Numbers and using Instant Alpha. Mette Ingvartsen. hesitation. confidence. the time I climbed a mountain from its foot, accidentally, without any equipment. Ocean Vuong. you're stuck but then the knot goes puffffffff and you (:

songs for friends: a vinyl (ashley ho + domenik naue)

is an album we're making for you. Two people are skipping across time, skipping rope through time. This is a record of loss, and also growing up, which is almost the same thing. Our dismantled memories shape speculative realities, through which we navigate dissociation and change.

I wish for a future in which we dare to dream. of beautiful, transmogrifying, throbbing worlds, in which we're licking each other's wounds, where we meet each other with care and not distance.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 23 mei 2022

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