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Muzammil Hussain
Muzammil Hussain

Muzammil Hussain

Artist Statement

My work stems from the basic phenomenon of investigating and questioning the thematic content of human psyche. Embodying a language based on desire and instincts. Digging into the ether of repressed sexuality, frustration, shame and intimacy. So far my quest has been to understand the dichotomy of human body and its visceral suppositions to sentimentalism, emotions and morality. Contextualizing the work on the peripheries of its impact to the works relationship on the viewer. 

My work proliferates within numerous subjective parameters. For one it could be seen as fragmented moment of reminisces, analogous to the environment that I inherit. In my practice I view painting, partly as a personification of life. Where the undertaking of search correlates to imagination and fantasies. How fantasy occupies the psyche in our daily lives and that part within us that strives to make it an acute reality resonates with the dialectics of painting and how this search is similar in a sense; where I have to find that median and draw the line between fantasy and reality. 

I see my recent interest in psychoanalysis as a valuable economy to rely on. This gives me an opportunity to perceive my works as a simulacrum between the acts of play that constitutes to my interior being in transference with the viewer, formulating semantics between the two coinciding worlds juxtaposed with subject object dualism, where the element of imagination acts as a tool to inculcate these coinciding worlds, which possesses the omnipotence of making a collision that intertwines with the multiplicity of our brains. The objective use of material can open up dimensions of bodily impulses that one may find difficult to justify through linguistics. For me the magic lies in experiencing an associative code that transcends our rational approach and flirts with the reality.

Given my Indian heritage, I find it astonishing to see how my past experience of living in the Netherlands has molded me into a single vessel of two different clays.  It acts as a juncture between my self-conflicting identities, orchestrating a homogeneous mixture that unshackles cultural differences to understand its peculiarities and pluralities.



Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 20 februari 2022

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