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Miguel Corado

Moving Image
Miguel Corado
Miguel Corado

Miguel Corado

About Only Human

A static image, with little progression, finding a form. I created this image back in 2019, when I was searching and learning about images, even thought that process will never end, I am starting to understand what I like to birth through my creations. Only Human is a project that wasn't complete until I started making music, where I further searched to progressively understand the link between audio landscapes and visual feedback. My process is about starting with an image, an imagination playout of something I want to bring into the real, constructing a performance and creating music that bleeds out the feeling I'm trying to provide.I work intuitively, molding all these mediums into something that emanates that of the original image, even though the construction might look different, the essence of association is present. 

Only Human (early 2020)

011 (mid 2019)
Concern rate 1 (early 2021)

Concern rate 2 (early 2021)

Continuum (early 2021)

Movement time (early 2020)

Rebirth (mid 2020)

Rewire (mid 2020)

Water (mid 2020)

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 8 februari 2022

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