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Maxime Boël

Dance Artist
Maxime Boël
Maxime Boël

Who are you as a performer/artist?

I feel I’m still deeply on a search for who I am as an artist. I know I’m in love with dancing and being creative with textiles, so I would say I’m an artist who thrives on moving and sensations of touch/textiles. There is so much to discover in this world, I believe you never truly know who exactly you are, and that’s what makes being an artist, a human, so special.

What are your ambitions?

My ambitions revolve around delving deeper into textile art while at the same time nurturing my identity as a dancer. I aim to acquire a profound understanding of myself within these worlds and carve out my unique place in the (artistic) world.

Where do you find inspiration?

 I get inspired by colors, textures, music. I get inspired by outer space, science and nature. I get inspired by the world we live in.
But most of all, I find inspiration by the people around me, my beautiful classmates, my family and loved ones.

What did you do at your internship & what did you learn?

In my internship I sweated, laughed, cried, made new friends, got inspired, got to know myself and my body better as a dancer, and most of all I DANCED.
I’ve come to realize even more that I love being in an creative environment, where I walk through a building where people are busy with a craft they love.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishably from magic" - Arthur C. Clark

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