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Maria Spadoni Battistoni

Critical Fashion Practices
Unoriginal Strategies  by Maria Spadoni. Photo by: Iztok Klančar
Unoriginal Strategies by Maria Spadoni. Photo by: Iztok Klančar

Maria Spadoni Battistoni is an interdisciplinary researcher and artist whose work obstinately makes no claim on originality.

As a response to the fashion system’s worship of originality, Maria Spadoni Battistoni proposes unoriginal design strategies as critical tools capable of challenging and questioning the standardised nature of capitalist creative systems. In her ongoing research Unoriginal Strategies, she explores how unoriginality can have educational value by facilitating deeper engagement with subject matter while also cultivate critical thinking by encouraging individuals to question and deconstruct dominant narratives.

In Unoriginal Assigments, she compiled a compendium of multi-disciplinary instructions and case studies that involve methodologies of reproduction, appropriation, copying and bootlegging, hoping to encourage the reader to activate different unoriginal modes of creation that focus on the process instead of the end result.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 17 augustus 2023

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