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The universe from which I created this jewellery collection is rooted in distinct body expressions, tattoos, tree structures, and nature religions.

Let’s celebrate life through the adornment of our bodies and the embracing of ancient rituals. Trees are the muses in my story.



Throughout my studies, I have been interested in how we can use our objects to express what our role is on this earth. I see a world that is becoming more cerebral and distracted by digital means. Grounding us back to the physical world is a priority.



The collection of five jewellery pieces encapsulates a raw piece of pine, to worship the material world and as a symbol of how precious nature is. Cultures in the past would use ornamentation to ‘complete’ the body. The pain that comes with the practice of tattooing would create a physical emphasis that magnifies their spiritual power. Through a burning ritual the pinewood is turned into tattoo ink, fusing the tree with the skin as a permanent reminder that we are part of nature.



Design in my opinion is the physical manifestation of our values and ideas. Looking around, I am aware that everything around us started with a single thought. I have a deep interest in the human body and the way we ornament our vessels during our life. I would describe myself as a craftsman foremost, with an inclination to ponder the megacosm and all that it entails.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 8 augustus 2022

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