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Lena Nießen
Lena Nießen

Who are you as a performer/artist?

Describing who I am as a performer almost seems like an impossible task for me because it is a never-ending process. Everytime I am on stage or in the studio I discover something new about myself. Who I am today might not be who I am tomorrow and I think that is super cool.


What are your ambitions?

My biggest ambition is to be happy, surrounded by people that I love and that inspire me. I want to contribute to an environment where everyone can thrive on their highest level of creativity so that we can use this tool that we have which is dance to make meaningful things to make this world a bit of a better place.



Where do you find inspiration?

This is probably the most cheesy statement but I find my inspiration in life. Seeing people move, listening to music, finding old things in thrift stores and imagining stories around them, watching dance or theater performances etc. But I think the most inspiration I find in people, people that are truly being themselves, people that have strong opinions, people that do not give a fuck about what other people think.


What did you do at your internship & what did you learn?

With the Poetic Disasters Club I got to know the best bunch of crazy people that are insanely good at what they are doing, and they all taught me so many things that I cannot possibly list them all. What I learned most about is the importance of communication within a company. It was so amazing to see how well everyone at Club Guy & Roni is constantly in communication with the people around them which creates this safe and caring environment in which people can truly be themselves. It showed me that you don’t have to work with assholes.

Always smell it first!

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 5 mei 2024

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