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Kristina Miltcheva
Kristina Miltcheva


The installation is composed of three layers: the self, the collective spirit, and the universal consciousness. Humanity is stuck on the ego. I want people to experience a unitive ritual and rethink their obsession with the ego. The liquids I used in the installation demonstrate transformation, movement, oneness, and expansion.


My objective is to illustrate to the viewer that everything and everyone is connected our lifelines are entangled, we participate in the same reality, and our stories play out simultaneously. These interconnections could act as a conduit to a more profound dimension of being. The astral world, mysticism and futurism are themes that I want to explore further in my design practice.

Other projects


Scientific image analysis

Laundry landscape

Collage number five


Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 17 juni 2023

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