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Kasper Quaink
Kasper Quaink


Wandering Habits follows the notions of a habitual methodology which the designer tends to use in their practice. During a series of workshops, the designer aims to teach its participants a method of observation through a modular space in which participants are asked to observe and create according to their immediate surroundings. This space in turn sparks a linear motion in which further workshops will be held.


Each workshop lays out the tool set for the following workshop. Wandering is a preparatory action or a habitual linear motion in which we find ourselves. Moving from the comfort of the gray walls to the openness of outdoor space allows us to wander on our own and makes the habits we have developed in the building obsolete. However, the work habits will remain. By creating this modular working space, the new methodologies being taught will gain a foothold in which the habitual workings can further evolve.



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Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 18 juni 2023

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