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Image: Sander Luske
Image: Sander Luske


0D-4D is a captivating project that seeks to visualize the expansion of dimensions from the zero dimension, representing the realm of nothingness, progressing to the 4th dimension, which lies beyond our ordinary perception and experience with objects. The statement "When dots come together, they become a line; when lines come together, they become a plane; when planes come together, they become a space" illustrates the progression from simple elements to more complex forms and spaces. The objects in this project are created using only linear elements that originate from points. These elements are intertwined to create various shapes and infinite spaces. With flexible structures and colors that change based on connection methods and movements, she expresses four-dimensional space-time images where the changing process itself becomes the reality of existence. By visually representing the expansion of dimensions, this project challenges our conventional understanding of space and invites viewers to contemplate the possibilities beyond our usual perception. It not only presents aesthetically pleasing objects but also prompts profound contemplation about the nature of space and our perception of it.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 15 juni 2023

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