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Jolie van Wijngaarden
Jolie van Wijngaarden

From a young age on Jolie van Wijngaarden was obsessed with colors, patterns and lights. Always running around and collecting random things, and always hated when she had to throw away things she collected. The objects that were collect where always in relation with colors, patterns or light. Finding beauty in objects others wouldn’t define as beautiful things. As a gradate Interaction Designer at the art academie of Artez she is fascinated by the aesthetic parts of 3D software, light, colors, patterns and storytelling. She would love to move to a digital landscape.

Research Project

Our reality is framed, like looking out of a window, the window is the frame, or like our screens. Like a window to the world. We are looking at our screens in our own personal spaces, home. We give our machine tasks, but when they are not working for us, they start to dream. The landscapes I created are based on a fascination with color and light, but also on The balance between real world real, digital reality and the abstraction of both. A landscape of a lake where people can stand on my dock to experience this environment.

The Magical World of a Wafer
Practical Assignment

Commissioned by NXP Semiconductors

Fascinated by light, colours, gradients, Jolie van Wijngaarden created an installation that would emphasise the beauty of the wafer. The wafer is the material which chips are made from. After the chip is constructed, the wafer is encapsulated in the technology and you won’t be able to see it anymore. We often talk about what the chip can do for us instead of what it actually looks like. The work wants to bring back the beauty of an object that is hidden from our eyes, and display its aesthetic qualities rather than its functionality. When a white light shines on the wafer, it creates beautiful moving colours and gradients: let yourself be amazed by it in the same way I was when I saw one the first time.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 2 december 2020

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