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Jaap Blankespoor
Jaap Blankespoor

*Website is currently under contruction


Rising from a collection of secret audio recordings, received letters and written material, I made the auditory installation (toch nog altijd) je dominee. I grew up in a heavily reformed church and after years of talking with my pastor, I left the community. Through the soundscape, I criticize indoctrination, manipulation and abuse of power within religious communities. Within a heavily reformed community, there is no room for those who deviate from the biblical norm, critical thinkers or apostate believers.


In the soundscape I "ascend" the pulpit like
a pastor to express the undermined, and above all, misunderstood position in which I found and still find myself. I mainly use auditive elements that can be traced back to heartbeat, organ and recordings, which I weave together with electronic sounds. On the one hand I translate the religious community and power difference between pastor and congregation for those who have never been to a (strict) church and on the other hand I want to open the eyes of the ones that still go to church. 

Other projects

A Transcedental Moment



Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 17 juni 2023

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