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Irem Biter
İrem Biter

Space of in-betweenness

“Space of in-betweenness” is the name of my research that originate from my background in Architecture, overlapped with an interest in spaces, subcultures, identities and communities that are normally not physically represented in formal architecture.

Space of in-betweenness is a conceptual space that exists between different identities, cultures and belongings where individuals may find themselves positioned. As a Turkish immigrant woman living in the Netherlands, I have been experienced a sense of not fully belonging to either the Turkish or Dutch communities. The space of in-betweenness where I inhabit is a threshold represents an intermediate zone where individuals are in a state of transition, situated between two different states or domains. This threshold which represents non-present moment that exist through the evocation of memory and imagination reproduces interactions, relations, temporality to not feeling alienated in space.

"The in-between in architectural space is not a literal perceptual or audible sensation, but an affective somatic response that is felt by the body in space. This feeling is not one arising from fact, but rather from the virtual possibility of architectural space."

Peter Eisenman

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 12 juni 2023

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