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Inbar Damhuis
Inbar Damhuis

Inbar Damhuis

Artist Statement

My work is about unnoticed irrepressible organisms grown within, between, underneath and on top of objects that have been left behind. It's a liberating sight to see the transition of the untamed in our world of rules, control and restrictions. To notice these combined creations, that cannot be changed to their original shape anymore, feels as if they were caught in the act.

This forgotten world of the struggle with nature is constantly present, even if no one is paying attention. Together they create something new, something unwanted. Like growth, it feels uncontrollable. And this unexpectedness is what fascinates me.

In my work I show the never-ending tension between the confined and the freed, with portraying them both at the same time.

Are you paying close attention?
mixed media. 2021

transfer. 2021

mixed media. 2021

mixed media. 2021

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 8 februari 2022

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