Ida Leijting
Ida Leijting (Doetinchem, Netherlands 1998)
‘’Don’t think of it as dirt’’ Charlie Brown said, pointing his finger at the invariably grubby body of his best friend, ‘’Just think of it as the dirt and dust of far-off lands blowing over here and settling on Pigpen’’. Pigpen nodded proudly, the cloud of filth that had been circling around his body indeed never settled down for long, it was always travelling. Joyfully, he added; ‘’It may be carrying the soil that was trod upon by Solomon or Nebuchadnezzar or Genghis Kan!’’.
Like Pigpen, Ida Leijting (Doetinchem, 1998), departs her artistic ventures from the messy space of the liminal, the in-between. Born into a family of caretakers and cleaners, she likes to trace the dusty truth of that which does not settle, and even more so, that which does un-settle, the scary reality by which a grain of sand is always headed to an ongoing elsewhere, blown up against the eerie background of an overgrown ruin; never really dirty, nor pristine. Here, she seeks to challenge the clearly demarcated borders of the inner-outer, the un-death and the past-present, by which no in-betweenness is allowed; no zombies, no aliens, no Pigpen’s, only right and wrong, human and non-human, clean and filthy. By means of sculptures, installations, and texts (often containing traces of human activity), she seeks to narrate sculptural tales of the in-between, material imaginations of borderlessness, clinical renderings of a long research-based unearthing of scientific facts and forensic archeology. Here, her excavations are not simply meant to ‘uncover’ a frozen past, but to challenge time, to offer a presence to things that were only seemingly lost; both gone and extant
Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 18 juni 2021
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