Frida Berntsen
Frida Berntsen (1997) is an artist who works mainly with textile, by which she is looking for connections in-and outside the artworld. A recurring theme is that she is looking how craft and tradition can be of meaning today. Everyday encounters and happenings are highlighted and made special. Next to that, there is a continues play with the sensation of time. Certain moments are captured, but these are also transient and changing. An ink that bleaches in sunlight, an accidental stain causing irrepairable damage, an old rag that is repaired but slowly falling apart again. By transforming, making abstract and working with these transitory mediums, she finds a sense of freedom and hopes to evoke a sense of wonder (verwondering).
Her graduation work 'blueprint of matter, blueprint of mind' consists of a series of wallhangings and tablecloths, where memories of dining scenes are shown. Here, thesun has left a long shadow of the china on the tablecloth. The cups and plates seem to have sunk into the surface, you can almost hear people still chatting. It becomes a accumulation of moments and memories, fixed in the tablecloth. The traditional patterns of the old damasks are morphed with the images burnt on top of it in cyanotype. Here, old decorative patterns start a conversation with those of the present-day. Next to this, these images are the inspiration for a tablebloth, where the images are transformed into mechanically woven in new damask. In this way, the object steps out of the artwork on the wall and returns to the everyday-use.
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