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Floor van Helmond

Fashion Design
Floor van Helmond
Floor van Helmond

In a world where all mystery has disappeared from everyday life, I have always been fascinated by the subconscious mind. I want to recreate imaginary worlds and creatures and place them in club and street culture. During and after my graduation it will be my goal to find the borders between different disciplines like couture, sportswear, textiles, fine art, music, philosophy and spirituality.



A shaman or shamanka has no access to libraries with research; all information comes from within. Mysteries are explained and problems are solved through imagination, the subconscious mind and contact with spirits.They are aware that the world is not what it seems. The only figure that comes close to this in today's Western world is the artist. How can I, as a young artist, learn from shamanic traditions and apply them to my work process?

Urban shamanism connects to this. This approach is intended for people whose ancestors are from cities. The tribal roots will be  rediscovered. With my collection I want to focus on contact with the subconscious mind. The urban shamans I create, are in contact with creatures from dreams, meditation and the dark. Sometimes they are in the process of shapeshifting into an animal, spirit or object. The noise suits will help them get into touch with the creatures. 

They can move through modern city life with sportswear. Diving, boxing and training suits make them in control of the elements, mobile and capable of inner fight. They find peace listening to loud music in their room. They find lost secrets hidden in their dreams. They find trance on the dance floor on worn-out sneakers.



Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 1 september 2020

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