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Eusebi Jucglà

Design Art Technology
Eusebi Jucglà
Sebi Clotas Jucglà

Eusebi Juclgà’s process always originates from the intersection between design, art, technology, and science. While his works are inspired by the complexity that constructs reality, he focuses on materializing them through a systematic methodology that seeks simplicity.

An Unresolved Uncertainty
Research Project

This installation attempts to count an uncountable.

La Dada Sonòra
Practical Assignment

Commissioned by Richard Vijgen

This project is an ongoing research about the sonification of data. In this particular case, the data originates from a specific location, Barcelona.

To do that I am building a tool that allows to process certain data sets related to specific activities/states that the city currently has. That input is used to trigger and compose a specific part of a soundtrack, which is directly affected by many different variables.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 16 december 2020

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