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Elena Janssen portrait - photo credits Simon Duijs
Elena Janssen portrait - photo credits Simon Duijs

Production of 'Before/After' with Poetic Disasters Club - Youth performance 'Ready to riot' with Poetic Disasters Club – Improv-based project combining science, nature, and art.

Coming home to me

Looking back on this year I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to explore my personal and professional identity. Through the different internships, I could taste the various directions my path can take. I had the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary production with Poetic Disasters Club and NITE. To create a youth performance with Noord Nederlands Toneel. And to be part of an improv-based project combining science, nature and art. Working in these different environments of place and people, I faced myself several times to come closer to me as a person and artist.  

To come home to me I use my inspiration that comes from nature and the roots where humanity comes from. To search for connection to the earth, to people, to our surroundings and use that vibrating world to express it most sensitively through our body.
My wish for the future will be to keep exploring and discovering. to work together in a creative open space where to connect different art forms or even interdisciplinary. To express the need to the outside to let them feel, make, break or change something.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 23 mei 2022

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