Edie Terpstra

Edie Terpstra (Wijchen, Netherlands 2000)
Edie is a Dutch artist and interior designer. In her art practice she tries to get as close as possible to something that is, and will stay, impossible: the creation of an ultimate and universal safe space. She does not only acknowledge the impossible but also practices the act of staying within that impossibility. Knowing that her wish, which is to satisfy everyone in a created space, will never fully be achieved. For this reason, the hope for achievement is replaced with curiosity: how close can the space get to that what is undoable? She performs this interest by trying to carefully receive and give new form to the information that has been given to her. She does this by detecting desires that are so different from each other, while also identifying a bigger common ground than expected, surrounding the subjects of safety and comfort. Edie mostly presents installations combined with audio and visual work. The audio pieces frequently play recordings of people talking about their preferences and experiences, regarding spaces, put together with a stream of thoughts and poetic notions on care. The installations are the implementation of the talks she had with the people close to her, that are sometimes included in the audio as well. She merges these preferences in a space, to satisfy everyone and simultaneously disappoint all. Edie will stay within the impossible and she hopes you will allow her to welcome you.
Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 21 juni 2021
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