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Corporeal Summer School

  • Architectuur en...
Corporeal Summer School

Are you interested in the theme ‘Corpo-real: the study of the ever-changing relationship between bodies and the reality that surrounds them?
Do you want to develop your design-based research skills?
Or may be you 'll be taking the Master’s in Interior Architecture and do you want to be thoroughly prepared for this programme.
Or would you to discover what it’s like to study arts in the Netherlands?

Reasons enough to register for our Corporeal Summer School from 27 until 31 August 2018!
Apply Now!

This is Corporeal Summer School:

•Deepening your skills in the domain of the Corpo-real through creative and design-based research;
•Developing ideas by experimenting;
•Working based on various research attitudes;
•Getting to know various teachers from the Dutch and international professional field;
•Additional social programme.

"I experienced a good mindset: sometimes we need to focus on the process- not the final destination: like we could be happy on the road- not the end of it."
Phuong Duy Dao _ participant