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Arianna Criado Ninà

Moving Image
Arianna Criado Ninà
Arianna Criado Nina

Arianna C. Nina

Artist Statement

Arianna's work is driven by real emotions. Spirituality, culture, religion and politics dance together in her art. During her studies, she turned real scenarios in meaningful and abstract stories, turned feelings into places. Everything in the image has a meaning, has a soul.

The creation of her short documentary as her graduation project came from the feeling of misunderstanding. Coming from Barcelona to the Netherlands was a shock; how could so little people know what was politically happening in one of the most visited European places?

Her Spanish father acts as a metaphor to help explain the story. This documentary serves as an informative source, even if in it's depth is a love letter to Catalonia and its citizens.

Freedom of opinion and expression.
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(1st October 2017) Neither forget nor forgive




Deze pagina is voor het laatst gewijzigd op 8 februari 2022

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