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Graphic Design part-time
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After graduation

After graduation

The part-time Bachelor’s Graphic Design provides graduates with a wealth of possibilities on the job market. After your studies, you can use your newly acquired competencies to deepen your design practice or take a new step in your career. You have the skills needed to start or further your career in the design world or you can start your own design studio.  

Titel and diploma

After successfully completing the Graphic Design course, you will be entitled to use the title of Bachelor of Arts (BA). This course may be found in the Dutch Central Register of Courses in Higher Education (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs: CROHO) under code 39111. The formal name of the course, under which it is known in CROHO, is Bachelor 39111. This CROHO name will appear on your diploma. 

Deepen your design practice

Do you work in the creative industry? With the part-time Bachelor’s Graphic Design, you will become an autonomous designed and you get to take your design practice to the next level.  

The course made me realise that designing is much more than making a logo or poster. By working on current issues in society, I've discovered that as a designer you can use your creativity to make a valuable contribution to important topics. 

Sophie Ceelen, alumnus

New career opportunities

  • The Graphic Design course offers excellent career prospects. We have former students working at design agencies and organisations in the Netherlands and abroad. There are alumni of the course working at Silo in Den Haag, Today in Utrecht, Studio Another Day in Nijmegen, and Studio Room in Naarden.

  • As a graphic designer you can also add a lot of value to an organisation outside the creative industries. For example, by employing graphic design as a means of communication to promote change or innovation initiatives, or in research. 

  • You can also start your own design studio. For up to three years after graduating, ArtEZ offers support including start-up assistance in setting up your own business. 

Want to continue your studies?

Thanks to the highly theoretical curriculum, you can also go on to pursue a Master’s degree in the Netherlands or abroad after completing the Graphic Design course, for example within ArtEZ or at the University of Reading or Yale. You can also do a two-year course to obtain a teaching qualification to teach visual art and design. The two-year Bachelor's course Tailor-Made Fine Art and Design in Education equips you with a first-degree teaching qualification for mainstream education.