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Tailor-Made Music in Education
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After graduation

After graduation

The Tailor-Made BA Music in Education in Zwolle produces enterprising teachers who are widely employable in music education inside and outside schools.

First-degree teaching qualification in music, culture and arts, and general art

With your degree, you have a first-level teaching qualification in music, general art, and culture and arts. That can take you in many different directions.

In the classroom

Perhaps you already worked in education. If so, this degree will allow you to work as a music teacher or teach culture and arts, and general art. Or did you already have a background in music? After the course, you have the right qualifications to pass on your knowledge and love for music as a teacher.

Other music-educational positions

Outside mainstream education, you can also work in a music school, set up your own institution for music or art education, or become a choir conductor or ensemble leader. You can also write music methods, work for an educational service of an orchestra, ensemble or opera company or set up your own social-artistic projects as an independent contractor.

These people did...

In recent years, all the students who graduated from the Tailor-Made BA Music in Education have found a job. Many as music teachers in secondary schools, where there are plenty of available jobs. But many graduates find work as independent entrepreneurs, by adopting an enterprising attitude in the wide music-educational field and creating their own work for existing cultural institutions or own start-up.

Title and degree

After successfully completing the Music in Education course, you will have the title Bachelor of Music in Education (BEd). This course can be found in the Central Register of Higher Education Courses (CROHO) under code 39112. The formal course name, under which this course is known in the CROHO is Bachelor Music in Education. This CROHO name will be stated on your degree.

Further studies

After the Tailor-Made BA Music in Education course, you can continue to study, for example at the Master Education in Arts or the Master Artist Educator at ArtEZ.