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Pre-master Music
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The Pre-Master of Music study programme consists of a combination of main subject lessons and participation in musical projects. It is possible to purchase additional main subject lessons or other lessons through contract tuition in addition to the basic programme. Lessons are given by the Classical Music and Jazz & Pop teachers of the ArtEZ Conservatory.

Study programme

The study programme of the Pre-Master’s in Music offers you the opportunity to best prepare yourself for a Master's programme. Your programme is tailored to your own needs and experience. You will take main subject lessons in which you further develop your abilities on your instrument. You will also participate in the Performance Lab course together with the Master’s students in Classical Music and Jazz & Pop. If you like, you can also work on projects that are part of the Bachelor of Music course.

  • The study programme for singers and wind and string players includes the following components:

    • 20 hours of main subject lessons;
    • 4 hours of piano coaching;
    • participation in Performance Lab together with the Master’s students during the first (and possibly second) semester on Tuesdays
    • participation in projects from the Bachelor of Music course, such as the ArtEZ String Ensemble, main subject-related group lessons and the project Music van NU.

    The distribution of the principal study lessons and the piano coaching lessons throughout the academic year can be adjusted in consultation with the teachers involved. For example, instead of 20 main subject lessons of one hour, you can choose 26.5 lessons of 45 minutes and 8 piano coaching lessons of 30 minutes.

    This is also possible: 26 hours of principal study lessons instead of 20 hours + 4 hours of piano coaching. If you want to do this, you should indicate this by sending an email to Annemarie Reitsma, the head of the Master of Music.

    In consultation with Annemarie Reitsma you can also buy individual lessons if you wish. A principal study lesson of one hour costs € 60. A half hour piano coaching costs € 40.

  • The study programme for students who play any other instruments not mentioned above includes the following components:

    • 26 hours of main subject lessons;
    • participation in Performance Lab together with the Master’s students during the first (and possibly second) semester;
    • participation in projects from the Bachelor of Music course, such as, for instance, main subject-related group lessons and the 'Muziek van NU' project.

    The distribution of the main subject lessons throughout the academic year can be adjusted in consultation with the teachers involved. For example, instead of 26 principal study lessons of one hour, you may choose to have a number of 45-minute lessons, so that in practice you have more, but shorter individual principal study lessons.

Performance Lab

Every Tuesday you will gain hands-on experience in our Performance Lab class. The Lab is a collaborative environment where you will work with Jazz & Pop and Classical Music Master's students on stage presentation, theatricality, marketing, writing and performance concept development. You will visit and discuss each other's concerts and projects: this way you not only learn with, but also from, each other. Together with your fellow students, you decide which guest lecturers will be invited to give workshops and master classes, and which themes and topics you want to delve deeper into. These could be audio & video production, music production, financing, radio production, set construction, stage presentation, multidisciplinary work, film music composition and more.

As part of Performance Lab, a number of (inter)national professionals who have earned their marks in the field will visit the programme as guest lecturers to work together on projects and assignments. They will inspire you to broaden your view on what performance is, since it can entail so much more than simply making beautiful music. Performance is about connecting with current events, about communicating with your audience, about personality, and about building new audiences. Within the Performance Lab, you are encouraged to connect tradition and innovation, to integrate the known with the as-of-yet unknown.

Undergraduate projects

While studying in the Pre-Master programme, it is also possible to participate in projects within the Bachelor 's courses Jazz & Pop and Classical Music. Examples include string or brass ensemble projects, chamber music ensembles, and the “Music from NOW” project week, which features concerts, workshops, and master classes on themes such as non-Western music and the human voice.