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Podcast series ‘Moral Shame Talks’ about complex role of fashion in our lives

By unraveling the seams of the fashion industry, researcher and writer Lindy Boerman (MA Fashion Strategy ArtEZ) investigates the complex role of fashion in our lives. Currently studying the MA Fashion Strategy at ArtEZ University of the Arts and backed by a BA in Fashion & Management at AMFI, Lindy creates different contexts and shines a light on underexposed concepts and subjects to give a critical understanding of what fashion is. Lindy has made the podcast series 'Moral Shame Talks' for ArtEZ studium generale.

Podcast series ‘Moral Shame Talks’ about complex role of fashion in our lives

Moral Shame Talks is a podcast series of three episodes that explores the complexities of consumers’ moral shame in the context of the sustainability debate within the fashion industry. By tackling moral shame –a form of shame that consumers experience in their consumer behaviour while knowing they are not making sustainable choices – stories can be told about the complexity and systemics of the fashion industry and the sustainability debate in it. In the podcast series Lindy Boerman, finals student of the ArtEZ Master Fashion Strategy, collects different ideas, critical perspectives and personal thoughts. By including personal stories consumers have about moral shame and reflecting on this together with people from various professional background and with various perspectives she gives meaning to, and places moral shame in the contemporary context.

You can listen to all 3 episodes at https://studiumgenerale.artez.nl/nl/studies/podcast/

Episode 1: Moral Shame Talks: Disconnecting Clothes
Episode 2: Belonging Groups
Episode 3: Clashing Behaviour
Moral Shame Talks Trailer

ArtEZ studium generale curates and organises gatherings, talks, training courses, podcasts and publications about the state of the arts and its relation to today’s challenges, ranging from immediate societal issues to bold abstract concepts.