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Architecture master’s student Naomi: “Growing into what I am is more important than growing into what I ought to be”

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After completing her bachelor's course Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at Delft University of Technology, Naomi van Knobelsdorff (23) spent some time looking for a master's course that suited her. Should she go for a course at a university, should she go abroad? Or should she do a master's course at a university of applied sciences or art academy? She gave herself a gap year to think about it, look around and compare. Eventually, following a thorough comparison round, she opted for the Architecture master's course at ArtEZ – even though she had long thought that the logical next step for her would be a university master's course. Naomi shares her experience, her first steps in working life and gives advice to others who are unsure about what to do next.  

Naomi van Knobelsdorff, master's student Architecture at ArtEZ, shares how and why she choose this master's course.
Naomi van Knobelsdorff, master's student Architecture at ArtEZ, shares how and why she choose this master's course.

A taste of working life

The course at ArtEZ combines studying with a job in the professional field. “They really are two different worlds. I’ve had to get used to that. I now work for an architecture practice in Amersfoort. Because I had done the bachelor's course at the University of Technology in Delft, I didn’t yet have any internship experience. So this is my first job. Working life is different than I had expected. At university you lay a foundation, but in practice things go differently and there are more rules. Alongside practical experience, on the course you have space for the creative and the boundless. That combination is great.”

Choosing the conventional path?

Having done her bachelor’s degree in Delft, this master's course was not the obvious choice. What was her thinking process? “Since primary school, my attitude has always been: if I can do something, I want to do it. I worked hard to get my pre-university qualification. So when I was looking for the next stage in my education, I wanted to go to university. But after studying for a while, I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue. Still I persevered, and I passed everything on schedule. I was focused on moving forwards and completing the conventional path.” When Naomi was choosing between master's courses, she again hesitated over whether to continue with architecture. Because she had demanded so much of herself from an early age, she decided to take a gap year. “But I missed it. I looked into other courses, but I kept on coming back to architecture. It contains a lot of elements that suit me: it’s technical, creative and solution-oriented.”

Different course design, same outcome

She started with the master's course Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences in Delft, but she quickly realised it no longer suited her. “The master's course was taught in English. That was really intense for me. And it was too large-scale. I stopped after a month.” She wondered whether there were any master's courses at art academies or universities of applied sciences, and discovered the one at ArtEZ. “I compared all the architecture academies. The fact that the master's course is at an art school and that the language of instruction is Dutch, plus the days the classes are on and the fact that you acquire practical experience all played a role in my choice,” explains Naomi.

I compared all the architecture academies. The fact that the master's course is at an art school and that the language of instruction is Dutch, plus the days the classes are on and the fact that you acquire practical experience all played a role in my choice.”

For Naomi, a big attraction of a master's course at a university of applied sciences, is that the course design is different to a university master's course, but the end result is the same: you get to use the title ‘Master of Architecture’ and are added to the Register of Architects. “For a long time, I wasn’t clear about that. So during my search, I did a lot of research and asked a lot of people.

Naomi van Knobelsdorff, master's student Architecture at ArtEZ, opted for a master's course at an art academy instead of at a technical university

Studying architecture at an art academy

The creative side is strongly emphasised on the course, says Naomi. “In my first subject I had to cast plaster, which I had never done before. The material and the technique were the only givens in the assignment ‘Make a space’. I found that frustrating, because I always want to understand everything properly and do research first. But it’s great when you create something in the process and it works out. I feel there is a good mix of the technical and creative sides on this master's course. What’s more, you are encouraged to be a pioneer.” 

She was very struck by the difference in group size compared to the master's course in Delft. “In Delft you did have smaller groups, but for my lectures there were four hundred students in the hall. Now there are fifteen of us sat in a circle. We get on well as a group and contact with lecturers in all the subjects is easier. The way the course is structured brings you together. The trip we made to London helped.”

When I look back at my process, I’ve learned so much from it. The bottom line is that growing into what I am is more important than growing into what I ought to be. The course at ArtEZ gives me the opportunity to do that.”

Research everything

Naomi advises others who are unsure of their choice to follow her lead and do some thorough research into the different master's courses. “I went to Delft, Eindhoven and Antwerp, I looked at universities and universities of applied sciences in order to compare and understand all the options. Looking back, it means I can stand behind my decision because I made a properly-founded choice. I was always jealous of people who had a really clear idea of the career they wanted. When I look back at my process, I’ve learned so much from it. The bottom line is that growing into what I am is more important than growing into what I ought to be. The course at ArtEZ gives me the opportunity to do that.”

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Blokhuis Braakman (the architect bureau where Naomi works

Want to know more about the Architecture master's course?

Architects have a direct impact on society and play an essential role in improving it each day. As an architect, you have the opportunity to positively influence people's lives and the world around them through inspirational and creative work. You contribute to making the world a livable place for ourselves, nature, and future generations. It is a significant responsibility that you face, and now more than ever, we must take things in a new direction. As an architect, you play an active role in this process.

Discover more about this master's course