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First year part-time student Larissa’s week

  • Fine Art
  • Design
  • Education in Art

In this edition of #deweekvan, Larissa Bottenheft shows what the week of a first-year part-time student of Fine Art and Design in Education in Arnhem can look like. How are the days filled? Which subjects do you follow? And what do you do? 

Larissa Bottenheft, deeltijdstudent Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving in Arnhem
Larissa Bottenheft, deeltijdstudent Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving in Arnhem


Today I worked. In the picture, you can see a liquid that I had to turn green for tomorrow’s recording, I thought it looked cool so I quickly took a picture of it. When I got home, I had dinner and it was time for some homework.

I started by putting some ideas for the Drawing course on paper and I did some research. In addition, every week I make an overview of the work for each subject so I can divide it over the free moments in my week. This is what the list looks like this week:


Art - Writing analysis about 2 artists between Design and Art.
Drawing - research on the theme “on the road”.Taking pictures.
Graphic - working on my Zine!!
Education - Getting started on an internship plan.
Photography - Possibly take more pictures.’


Tuesday I had a shooting day. In the picture you can see the sound man in the maze. Shooting days are usually long days, but in the evening I still started the Art Theory assignment. Every week, we have to analyse two artists or a certain work that falls within the theme of that week. This week it is “Between Art and Design”


On Wednesday nights, I always babysit with friends. That means plenty of time to work on my assignments! I continued working on my Zine for Graphics for a while and finished Art Theory.Right when I was done, my laptop shut down, what timing!


Today we’re back in Arnhem. It’s nice to see each other again every week. We start the day with Drawing by Roos van Haaften. This and next week’s assignment is to make something about “on the road”, a route you travel. That may be the route you take when you take your dog for a walk, or the way to school or a completely different interpretation of this. In the afternoon we have Graphics by Roos Pollmann and we had time to work on our Zine. And I helped my classmate Willemijn with, well, what you see in the picture, ha ha ha.


We always start Fridays with Education by Jurianne. This is about teaching, schools and… internships! From November, we’ll do an internship for nine weeks, one day a week. I’m very curious about it!

Then came Willemien’s Art Theory, today we talked about Everyday Art. Really interesting!And Friday afternoon we follow Photography by Henning in the room with the best view!In photography we are now busy creating our own photo series. It’s so nice to see how everyone’s series are created.

And then. Weekend!

This is about teaching, schools and… internships! From November, we’ll do an internship for nine weeks, one day a week. I’m very curious about it!