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ArtEZ social media

Are we connected on social media yet? We share beautiful stories, experiences, news and agenda-items and we love to talking about art and art education with you on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Youtube Are you sharing something on your own social media channel about ArtEZ? Great! Don't forget to mention us and use the hashtag #artez. This way, with just one click, we can see your post and sometimes even share it.

Did you know that our courses and professorships also have their own social media channels? Go to the course or professorship overview and visit the page of the course or professorship that you want to follow. You will find links to all their social media channels under the introduction!

ArtEZ social media

ArtEZ LinkedIn provides an engaged community of professionals and researchers with insight into ArtEZ's artistic research and a glimpse into the work of our lecturers, staff, and students. Researchers and students and the professional field can connect on our page.

On Instagram, ArtEZUniversityoftheArts, we shine the spotlight on our students by sharing their inspiring stories, final works, and experiences at ArtEZ. In addition to upcoming events and useful student tips, we show the impact of artistic research.

At ArtEZ, we see TikTok as a platform for genuine student-generated content. As a result, we seldomly post our own content on this platform. However, we actively encourage students to participate in social media takeovers on ArtEZ's TikTok channel.

​​​​​​​We showcase ArtEZ through YouTube , allowing prospective students to get a glimpse of our academies, programs, studios and workshops. We also share experiences and tips from our students. For the professional field, YouTube is the place to discover new generations of artists through their graduation work.

ArtEZ has decided to no longer be active on ​​​​​​​​​X. Newsreaders, journalists, researchers and other interested parties can visit LinkedIn and, of course, our website for information about artistic research and scientific art related insights. Equally, we are no longer an active Facebook user.