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The ArtEZ Business Centre's aim is not only to introduce students to entrepreneurship but also to give alumni the right support to make a successful start after their course. Find out more and how to apply below.

Our Starters Programme offers three days of inspiring workshops for an interdisciplinary group of artists to prepare your professional practice. We look into questions like: how do you draw attention to your work, how you get paid for your art, and how you generate income without using up all your energy on the business side? If you would like to be successful, it is essential to develop a useful and businesslike perspective on your art.


If you want to turn your work into a business and have a brief description of your business concept, you can participate in our programme. You can register via abc@artez.nl. You will then be invited for a personal meeting to discuss your business concept. In preparation, you will receive an E-scan from us that you can make online to map out your entrepreneurial competencies and thinking styles.


GROUP 3 2024
Enschede, Dutch spoken
Three Mondays: 23/9 - 30/9 - 7/10. Schedule: on 23/9: from 9.30 - 15.30 hrs. and on 30/9 + 7/10: from 9.30 - 12.30 hrs.

GROUP 4 2024
Arnhem, Dutch spoken
Three Mondays: 18/11 - 25/11 - 2/12. Schedule: on 18/11 from 9.30 - 15.30 hrs. and on  25/11 + 2/12 from 9.30 - 12.30 hrs.

GROUP 1 2025
Arnhem, English spoken
Three Wednesdays:  5/2 - 12/2 - 19/2. Schedule: on 5/2 from 9.30 - 15.30 hrs. and on 12/2 + 19/2 from 9.30 - 12.30 hrs.

GROUP 2 2025
Zwolle, Dutch spoken
Three Thursdays: 10/4 - 17/4 - 24/4. Schedule: on 10/4 from 9.30 - 15.30 hrs. and on 17/4 + 24/4 from 9.30 - 12.30 hrs.


About Starters Programme

During these workshops, you will work with your personal business concept in a group of artists from different disciplines. How do you connect your work to the public, and how do you turn it into a solid company? During the workshops, we help you clarify how you can do business that suits you and where you need to focus. Finally, you will investigate what your position as an artist can be in the cultural field. There is a lot of attention for personal and individual guidance so everyone can work from their unique business concept. The program consists of four parts that reinforce each other. We mainly work from the input of the participants, and we also use existing examples.

Workshop Value Proposition
On the morning of the first workshop day, we zoom in on the value proposition of your product, company, or service. Together with the other participants, we investigate what makes you unique and valuable to your customers. Using different theories and mini-interviews among the participants, we try to clarify what drives you, motivates, and makes you distinctive.

Workshop Business Model Canvas
In the afternoon, we will work on the so-called Business Model Canvas. This model is a way of separating your company into nine building blocks. You look at your company's strengths and weaknesses, at the products and services you offer, and at the wishes of your customers. The value proposition we worked on in the morning is your company's foundation and the core of this model. The model gives you insight into what is involved in carrying out your profession and which choices you can make to professionalize further.

Customer validation workshop
The second day, we zoom in on customer validation: who is your customer, why would someone want to buy from you, and what are the customer's needs and intentions? It is crucial to know who your customers are and whether they fit your product and work.

Finance workshop
On the third day we finish the program by focusing on and improving your financial skills. Practicing creating both a product/project budget and an annual budget is essential. You'll need to examine your costs and investments on one hand and your revenues and profits on the other. It's also important to understand which costs can be included in different types of budgets and what financing options are available. During the workshop, we'll provide clear examples and use cases from the group to help you better understand.

Jessica de Jaeger teaches the Starters Programme. She guides cultural entrepreneurs on an artistic, business, and personal level and teaches entrepreneurship (from idea to product). Cily teaches personal branding for creative entrepreneurs and coaches ArtEZ alums to develop their professional practice. Cily coordinates the Starters Programme and the Starter Vouchers.

Jessica de Jaeger and Cily Smulders



In addition to the Starters programme, we organize our Starters Café. Whether you are a student or just graduated, this Café is for everyone within ArtEZ who is ready to start. During this Café you can engage in direct conversation with a valuable network of professionals. Receive advice on various funding opportunities such as funds, vouchers, training and coaching. Get to know each other, explore possible collaborations and ask all your questions. We are ready to support you in starting your professional practice.

upcoming: Monday 11 november '24 in Arnhem

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