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Final Exam Brent van Rij - Jazz & Pop Bass

  • Finals

Final Exam Brent van Rij - Jazz & Pop Bass

Zwolse theaters: Schouwburg Odeon Blijmarkt 25 Zwolle

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Final Exam Brent van Rij
Final Exam Brent van Rij


In a field without wind, you cannot take off.
You can learn to fly without wind under your wings or keep waiting for that one gust of wind to come and take you one field away, but both can be a maddening process. In the distance you see the other Swallows on a greener and sunnier field of grass, but it seems unattainable.
Until that one gust of wind comes and helps you into the sky.

On June 18, Brent van Rij will show how he managed to find that gust of wind after a long time of searching and is still in the air today.
He does this with friends, classmates and his Post-Punk / Shoegaze band Helen Jewett who have a collaboration with pop stage Hedon and Hit the North (ESNS) this year and are in the midst of recording their first studio album. The evening consists of songs that have meant a lot to Brent now and in the past and have brought him where he is today.


Participating students

Brent van Rij

